Friday, September 19, 2014

Creating a Second Life Account

So over the past few weeks I’ve done a lot of talking about creating 3D Mesh in blender and even taking photographs within Second Life.  These posts were geared toward the viewers who already have knowledge about the game of Second Life and are already playing.  This week I’m going to talk to the those who don’t have any experience with the game or may not have even heard about it but, have experience in building 3D content such as clothing, hair, scripts, animations and want to make extra money by creating a business within a virtual world.
The first thing you need to do is go to the website Once your there you will click on the Play for Free icon and it will take you to a screen to pick out your first generic avatar.   
You can click through the scrolling tabs left to right to find the avatar that you like the best to represent you within the game.  In Second Life you can be anything you want to be male, female, robot, animal.  The possibilities are endless however at this beginning point you choose between the male or female avatar.

Once you have chosen your avatar click choose then you will be taken to the create username which again you can pick anything you would like as long as someone else hasn’t already chosen it. You will enter in your name and click available, if it’s available you will then be taken to the next screen to enter in your email, date of birth, password and security question.  Don’t worry your almost done! 

Make sure though and this is important that you like the name you have picked because once you hit activate your stuck with that name and would have to do this entire process all over if you wanted to choose a different name. If you’re happy with it and ready to go hit activate and you will be asked to choose Free or Premium.  Since you are a new user I would recommend choosing the free option, since you will want to explore and decide if and when you want to purchase or even live in a house.  You may only want to purchase land specifically for creating a shop to sell your 3D creations in.  Once you click free, you are done and then a screen will pop-up so that you can download and install the Second Life viewer and begin exploring.  Easy as that and takes about 5 minutes to do. 
On my next post I will talk about how to become a merchant so that you can upload these fantastic creations you’ve been working on and walk you through the steps of actually getting them uploaded into Second Life successfully. Yes you can upload incorrectly! Until next time have fun and start creating your Second Life.

 Links: Second Life

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