Friday, September 26, 2014

Second Life Mesh Policies

Last week we talked about how to create an account with Second Life.  Now that you've gotten your account set and you have been able to do some exploring within Second Life; let’s talk about uploading some of those awesome creations you’ve been working on.  Before you will be able to upload anything you must login to your account via the Second Life website. On the left hand side you will see tabs going down such as Account, Event, Shop, and Land Manager.  Click on the Account tab, a drop-down will occur and you want to look for the category Mesh Upload Status.

First thing you must do if the Payment Information and IP Tutorials are in red; click on the payment info and choose a payment method.  This is only used if you want to purchase L$ or buy land and have payment fees.  Ok so you have filled out your payment information and now you have the IP Tutorial left to do.  Click on the go to the IP Tutorial link. It will walk you through a series of questions regarding copyright integrity.  It’s to make sure you know what is right and what is wrong when uploading mesh into Second Life.  For example you created a really cute Mickey Mouse purse.  Can you upload that into Second Life? NO!!! Because even though you created it, Mickey Mouse is copyrighted by Disney therefore you would not be allowed to upload this item. So you answered the series of questions and passed with flying colors. YAY!!! Now you can log onto Second Life and start uploading your mesh and be on your way to a successful business owner within Second Life. Next week we will talk about actually getting your Mesh uploaded into Second Life.